
Interview Ace

Open in GitHub Codespaces

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The Interview Ace does not capture or share any data or user information.

Contact Info

Contact Sean at

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Ace the Data Engineering Interview in 30 Days. In just 1 hour per day build the necessary skills to be an interview ace. Stay on track with your preparation in order to ace the data engineering interview! Daily tasks help you build the right skills, and keep the right pace. Track your progress through daily streaks and time invested.



CI/CD is handled by Xcode Cloud. Each time a change is pushed to the main branch of this repo, Xcode Cloud generates a new build which includes running automated tests, archiving the build, and making the build available to internal and external testers. For members of the development team, the Xcode Cloud console can be found here.

Support Page

Github Pages is used to host which is the support page for the app. Github Actions automatically builds the Page when any changes are made to this readme. The content of the page is this readme. The build process for the page can be monitored here.


If you are running this in codespaces you can skip the below homebrew install. Create codespace secrets for AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. You will still need to complete the Env Setup steps.